Saturday, September 19, 2015

Christina Feldman: The Universal Language

Often I am reminded of the wisdom of Rumi -- "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." Amazing synchronicities, great healing, sweet and tender blessings, and an ever expanding capacity for connection, compassion, kindness and love unfold as we deepen in our courage and commitment to understand and speak the universal language of our hearts. We are so much greater than our wounds. Our hearts are stronger than we often know. Learning how to cultivate the gifts of mindfulness and the courage to embrace and attend to what has been abandoned in our hearts is profoundly transformative and makes the experience of love possible. Under it all is the truth and beauty of our true nature. It is there that we discover, some of us for the first time, the love that will not die. Blessed be.  
♥ Molly

Your emotional world is both personal and universal. As you open to the rhythms of your heart, you meet a lifetime's accumulation of sorrow, grief, and hurt. You encounter your capacity for rage, resentment, harshness, and fear. You also meet your capacity for tenderness, intimacy, and joy. The language of your emotions is universal -- grief, sadness, the longing to love and be loved, the capacity to experience and to inflict hurt. The language of your heart teaches you about your interconnectedness and your interdependence. You can reach out to someone who is grieving because you know what grief is. You can comfort someone who is hurt, fearful, or sad because you know the contours of those feelings in your own heart. You can hold another person's sorrow in the tenderness of compassion because you know what it means to be held in the compassion of another.

- Christina Feldman,  
Compassion: Listening to the Cries of the World

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