Sunday, August 16, 2015

Reflections on Grief and Love

 Passages to the Heart

I am so profoundly grateful to have embarked on a heart-opening path over 30 years ago. I am deeply grateful to have an intimate relationship with grief today. My tears have frequently led me to and through the doorway of my joy, my sense of humility and compassion, to tenderness and laughter and this amazing experience of connectedness and mindfulness and love that just grows and grows. WOW! Life is so amazing! 

Yet, before I had the conscious awareness and the support and commitment to travel to the walled up parts of my heart and to make tender friends with what I found there, the miracle and exquisite experience of life and love was not available to me in any kind of consistent way. I was stuck in fear and a sense of separateness, of being apart from rather than a part of. Gratefully, there is a passage through our darkness and into this amazing world and life we have been gifted.

So, yes, the price of opening our hearts to be present to love, truly present, is also opening to life's sorrows and losses, fears and shame, illusions and misguided belief systems which cause harm to ourselves and others. May we all be brave. And find the support we need to increasingly become who we most truly are. Which is radiant.

Namaste ~ Molly 

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