Saturday, July 4, 2015

David Korten: When Corporations Rule the World - 3rd Edition


When Corporations Rule the World

20th Anniversary Edition, Updated with Two New Chapters

 by David C. Korten


New edition of a modern classic: When Corporations Rule the World has sold over 150,000 copies, been translated into twenty languages, and helped launch the modern movement against corporate domination. Its 1995 warning about the growing global power of transnational corporations seems prophetic today.

New material: This 20th anniversary edition includes an updated prologue, a new introduction, a new conclusion, and an updated epilogue.
In this new edition of his classic book, David Korten illuminates the convergence of ideological, political, and technological forces that have driven an ever-greater concentration of economic and political power in a handful of corporations and financial institutions and left the market system blind to all but its own short-term financial gains. As he vividly documents, the social and environmental consequences of these efforts have been devastating. Human survival depends on a global community-based, life-centered alternative beyond the outmoded ideologies of communism and capitalism. Korten lays out specific steps to achieve it.
"There is a very good reason 150,000 people bought and read this book—and why anyone serious about the systemic crisis we now face ought to read the updated version today: Korten captures the devastating and increasingly threatening dynamics of the corporate dominated global system, and has offered a vibrant, well-written, and important strategy for moving us beyond its destructive economic, social and ecological logic."
— Gar Alperovitz, author of What Then Must We Do? Straight Talk About the Next American Revolution


"So it is clear that the new world order of the free market promises further erosion of the U.N., more wars, destruction of sovereignty, elimination of social programs for the people, increasing poverty and joblessness, and the demise of democracy."


"The old economy of greed and dominion is dying. A new economy of life and partnership is struggling to be born. The outcome is ours to choose." 


- David Korten 


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