Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Jack Kornfield: Returning To Our Home

In time we must each awaken. Awakening may hide in our attic for years, waiting until we raise our children or finish our business career. But someday it will appear, to break down the gate and say, "Ready or not, here I am."

Being alive is itself an expression of mystery. The clues to our real nature are always around us. When the mind opens, the body changes, or the heart is touched, all the elements of spiritual life are revealed. Great questioning, unexpected suffering, original innocence - any of these can require us to open beyond our daily routine, to "step out of the bureaucracy of ego," as Tibetan teacher Chogyam Trungpa counseled. Every day brings its own calls back to the spirit, some small, some large, some surprising, some ordinary.

- Jack Kornfield 
After the Ecstasy, the Laundry:
How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path

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