Monday, June 22, 2015

David Korten Is Coming To Portland!

With David Korten
David Korten will be coming to Portland and speaking at the First Unitarian Church this Thursday, June 25th, from 7-9:00pm. The location is Eliot Chapel, 1011 SW 12th Ave., Portland, OR 97205. I hope to see some of you there, and/or that you may - if you already haven't - be inspired to further explore David's work.

This week will be my third time to see David Korten. I have at least four of his books. He is a powerful visionary and wise elder who deeply inspires me with his authenticity, integrity, courage, truth-telling, vast life experience and wisdom, deep and expansive heart, and profound caring of and commitment to all life. David does not shy from illuminating the seriousness of the crises that we are faced with at this time. He also holds wisdom of a larger picture, one in which a new way of life is truly possible. Birthing that new world - one which the children of today and those yet unborn, will thank us for - is up to each and every one of us. We are all connected and all in this together.

David Korten will be speaking about his latest book, Change the Story, Change the Future: A Living Economy For a Living Earth. Thom Hartmann states that this latest book "is among the most important books of our time, from one of the most brilliant thinkers of our era." 

 About this latest book:
Our current story is about Sacred Money and Markets. Money, it tells us, is the measure of all worth and the source of all happiness. The market is omniscient. Earth is simply a source of raw materials. Inequality and environmental destruction are unfortunate but unavoidable. Although many recognize this story promotes bad ethics, bad science, and bad economics, it will remain our guiding story until replaced by a more compelling story that aligns with our deepest understanding of the universe and our relationship to it.
A Sacred Life and Living Earth story is grounded in a cosmology that affirms we are living beings born of a living Earth itself born of a living universe. Our health and well-being depend on an economy that works in co-productive partnership with the processes by which Earth’s community of life maintains the conditions of its own existence—and ours. Offering a hopeful vision, this book lays out the transformative impact adopting this story will have on every aspect of human life and society.
David C. Korten is a cofounder and board chair of YES! Magazine, co-chair of the New Economy Working Group, founder and president of the Living Economies Forum, a member of the Club of Rome, a founding board member emeritus of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, a former Associate of the International Forum on Globalization, and a former Harvard Business School professor.
Thank you. Bless us all... 

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