Monday, June 15, 2015

As Shell Drilling Rig Aims for Arctic, Waves of Kayaks Block the Way

At least ten 'kayaktivists' arrested as more paddle out to 
thwart Arctic drilling plans
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With the 40,000 ton Arctic drilling rig looming behind them, "kayaktivists" unfurl a large floating banner. (Photo: Greenpeace USA/ Flickr)
With the 40,000-ton Arctic drilling rig looming behind them, "kayaktivists" unfurl a large floating banner. (Photo: Greenpeace USA/ Flickr)
Update 3:40 PM EDT
As rolling blockades of kayakers confronted the Shell rig as it navigated up the Puget Sound, there were indications early Monday afternoon that the Polar Pioneer may have been grounded in shallow water off the coast of Bainbridge Island.

However, after a more than three hour delay, the rig is now on the move and activists say kayakers up the channel are prepared for more resistance.

Meanwhile, praise for the bravery of the 'kayaktivists' has come from all corners. "Today, the Puget Sound is the scene of some serious climate heroics," tweeted David Turnbull, campaigns director at Oil Change International.

And founder Bill McKibben wrote: "Favorite new word of 2015 is 'kayaktivist' and this a.m. they're giving Shell fits in Seattle's harbor."

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