Saturday, March 14, 2015

Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine

Two nights ago I held my grandson in my arms, and I will hold him and gave into his eyes again later today. Beautiful Oliver turned 2 weeks old yesterday. And I feel even more passionate about working toward a sustainable and sane, caring and compassionate, healing and whole, just and peaceful world. There are so many fronts on which we are confronted with profound crises, and the one that takes first place in threatening life on Earth - not just human beings, but all beings - is climate change. It is my belief that we need to offer information to one another, and then let go of the results of whether or not that information is received. We can at least try to have the United States join with the rest of the developed world, and beyond, where there is no longer any "debate" because the truth is out and people get it. Of course, any of us can be misled, propagandized, polarized, duped, scared to look, overwhelmed, slip into the cult of denial or the cult of despair. We are all humans and I have certainly done all those things and more. Humility coupled with courage and the intention to see and work for a higher good are helpful. And we can each keep working at getting the word out for any still not understanding what is happening and what is at stake, at least - at the very minimum - learning the skills of who to follow the money. I do not trust Big Money from any side - left/right, Republican/Democrat, etc. - to tell the truth because they are all about the money. We don't have to link with them, we can join with EACH OTHER. Our grandchildren are counting on us. They are. The time is NOW... P.S.Try following the Koch Brothers whose funding since 1997 to present to groups denying climate change is $67,042,064. The Koch brothers also make 1.8 million dollars every hour or $13,000,000 a day. We can stop this insanity. May we all continue to Wake Up Now!
Peace ~ Molly

The Koch Brothers and Their Amazing Climate Denying Machine

Billionaire oilman David Koch used to joke that Koch Industries was "the biggest company you've never heard of." Now the shroud of secrecy has thankfully been lifted, revealing the $67 million that he and his brother Charles have quietly funneled to climate-denial front groups that are working to delay policies and regulations aimed at stopping global warming, most of which are part of the State Policy Network.

Today, the Kochs are being watched as a prime example of the corporate takeover of government. Their funding and co-opting of the Tea Party movement is now well documented.

Charles G. Koch and David H. Koch have a vested interest in delaying climate action: they've made billions from their ownership and control of Koch Industries, an oil corporation that is the second largest privately-held company in America (which also happens to have an especially poor environmental record). It's timely that more people are now aware of Charles and David Koch and just what they're up to. A growing awareness of these oil billionaires' destructive agenda has led to increased scrutiny and resistance from people and organizations all over the United States.

We continue to expose the connections between climate denial front groups and the secretive billionaires who are funding their efforts.

Case Studies: How Does Koch Industries Influence the Climate Debate?


See our 2012 update Koch Brothers Exposed: Fueling Climate Denial and Privatizing Democracy, demonstrating how the Kochs are part of a 40-year old blueprint to dominate democracy. This update was relesed in conjunction with the release of Brave New Foundation's Koch Brothers Exposedmovie.  


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