Sunday, March 8, 2015

Judith Duerk: What If Someone Had Helped You to Own Your Own Life

This is for all of us on this human journey. It is a common experience to learn early on to shut down parts of ourselves, and this often continues on into adulthood and, for some, throughout one's life. We see the impact of this disconnection - from our own depths and from the consciousness and experience of the Sacred thread that is woven through all of life - in our families, communities, nation, and world. We can heal this wound out of our past by first becoming curious and conscious of how it plays out in the present. There are many resources of support and compassion, courage and caring, and love and wisdom available to help us see and remember what we have forgotten. For me, Judith Duerk has been among those early resources of support - through her books, retreats, and the connection we first established 25 years ago. May we all find exactly those resources rooted in integrity and loving-kindness to assist us along our life paths which continue to support us in becoming who we truly are. Bless us all. ♥ Molly

How might it have been different for you, if, early in your life, the first time you as a tiny child felt your anger coming together inside yourself, someone, a parent or grandparent, or older sister or brother, had said, "Bravo! Yes, that's it! You're feeling it!"

If, the first time you had experienced that sharp awareness of ego, of "me, I'm me, not you" ... you had been received and hugged and affirmed, instead of shamed and isolated? 

If someone had been able to see that you were taking the first tiny baby steps towards feeling your own feelings, of knowing that you saw life differently from those around you. If you had been helped to experience your own uniqueness, to feel the excitement of sensing, for the very first time, your own awareness of life. What if someone had helped you to own all of this ... to own your own life? 

How might it be different for you?

- Judith Duerk
Circle of Stones: Women's Journey to Herself

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