Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Henry Giroux: Higher Education and the Politics of Disruption

By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout | News Analysis

College graduate(Image: Chalk board, college grad via Shutterstock; Edited: JR/TO)
We now live at a time in which institutions that were meant to limit human suffering and misfortune and protect the public from the excesses of the market have been either weakened or abolished. (1) The consequences can be seen clearly in the ongoing and ruthless assault on the social state, workers, unions, higher education, students, poor people of color and any vestige of the social contract. Free-market policies, values and practices - with their emphasis on the privatization of public wealth, the elimination of social protections and the deregulation of economic activity - now shape practically every commanding political and economic institution in the United States....
As the welfare state is defunded and dismantled, the state turns away from enacting social provisions and becomes a punishing and surveillance state more concerned about personal security than social welfare. In this script, fear replaces compassion, and a survival-of-the-fittest ethic replaces any sense of shared responsibility for others....
The US public does not need more prisons; it needs more schools, free health services and a living wage for all workers.

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