Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wayne Muller: Each of Us Has a Gift to Offer the Family of the Earth

The more we know about how things work, the more carefully we will walk on the earth. When we see how our words affect our friends and family, we will be careful with our language; when we see how our actions ripple out into our work and our community, we will be more mindful of what we choose to do and not to do; when we see how our thoughts create the inner atmosphere in which we move each day, we will be more aware of which thoughts we give our energy to and which we simply allow to fall away as uninteresting and not useful.

The opportune moment for kindness and generosity seems to present itself clearly, if only we are able to hear and are prepared to respond. Each of us has a gift to bring to the table, and the family of the earth yearns to receive it.

- Wayne Muller, excerpted from  How Then Shall We Live?
Four Simple Questions That Reveal the Beauty and Meaning of Our Lives 

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