Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sharon Salzberg: Kindness Creates Compassion

Photo by Molly
The writer Wendell Berry says that "the smallest unit of health is a community." Community is another way to saying "connection." And connection is life itself. The practices of kindness inspire and deepen our connection to ourselves and to one another. They provide a path for health, for healing, for wholeness. 

As we wish love, peace, and happiness for ourselves and for others, we learn to include all beings and all aspects of life, including ourselves, in our hearts. It is easy to believe that we are not capable to this, but as we auntangle our conditioning, we see that immensity and abundance lying nascent within us, ready for awakening.

In doing these practices, in turning our lives toward the force of kindness, in nurturing the potential for love and compassion  within, may we all find the ultimate healing truth of connection.

- Sharon Salzberg, The Force of Kindness:
Change Your Life with Love & Compassion

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