Monday, February 23, 2015

Matthew Fox: The Cosmic Christ and the Living Buddha

Just as the Cosmic Christ is understood by Christians to be the light in all beings in the universe (a fact now scientifically spoken of as the photons or light waves in every atom in the universe), so in Buddhism the Living Buddha is always shining, always enlightening trees, grass, birds, human beings, and so on, always emitting light. It is this Buddha who is preaching now and not just 2,500 years ago. In Buddhism, the word for ignorance is avidya and this means literally "the lack of light." Vidya or understanding means "made of light." Because light exists in all things, all things preach of the Buddha (is this not an insight from St. Francis of Assisi also?). Thích Nhất Hạnh says: The trees, the birds, the violet bamboo, and the yellow chrysanthemums are all preaching the Dharma that Shakyamuni (the historical Buddha) preached 2,500 years ago. We can be in touch with him through any of these. He is a living Buddha, always available. All are invited to find the Buddha within. The road to Buddhahood is open to all. At all times all living beings have the Germ of Buddhahood in them. If the element of the Buddha did not exist in everyone, there could be no disgust with suffering, nor could there be a wish for Nirvana.

This teaching about the living Buddha found in the light beings and bringing enlightenment to human beings seems identical to the teaching of the Cosmic Christ, who is present in all beings as light and brings enlightenment to humans. Perhaps we can, borrowing from today's science, distinguish between light as wave and light as particle. As wave, both the Cosmic Christ and the Buddha Nature extend everywhere and permeate all beings. As particles, the historical Buddha and the historical Jesus were particular people from particular cultures operating in a particular time period. Thus the light of the Buddha and the light of the Christ have both wave and particle elements to them. As do we who share in their light.
- Matthew Fox, excerpted from One River, Many Wells:
Wisdom Springing From Global Faiths

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