Saturday, February 21, 2015

Janet Quinn: I Am a Woman Finding My Voice

This is for all of us, women and men alike, who are finding and bringing forth voices of integrity and truth, vulnerability and courage, healing and wholeness, insight and hope, passion and compassion, consciousness and connection, wisdom and love to ourselves, our families and friends, and our communities, nation and world. 
Warmest Blessings ~ Molly

The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
 I Am a Woman Finding My Voice

Did I first lose my voice when I learned not to cry too loud or make too much noise so I didn’t wake up Daddy? Or was it when I learned that talking in church was a sin (unless it was to a priest)? Was it the first time I didn’t say what was inside of me because I didn’t want to make someone mad, or was it the first time that I said what wasn’t true because I didn’t want to hurt someone’s feelings? No matter now. Now, I am finding my voice! I am laughing, screaming, crying, and cooing! I am making delighted sounds and angry sounds. I growl and moan, and I sing and chant! I offer soft and sweet words of comfort and passion and I speak loud, clear words of outrage and opposition. I am making holy noise and I am keeping holy, holy silence. Finding my voice means that I claim my freedom to express myself. It means that I speak only what is true for me, and that I will never be silenced again. I am a woman finding my voice!

- Janet Quinn, I Am a Woman Finding My Voice:
Celebrating the Extraordinary Blessings of Being a Woman

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