Sunday, December 14, 2014

David Richo: Going Beyond Our Vices

Regardless of our spiritual or religious path, this excerpt 
speaks powerfully to the alchemist within each of us.
Another world is possible. Peace & blessings ~ Molly


In Buddhism, the "six poisons" of pride, envy, desire, greed, ignorance, and aggression are the ego vices that keep us stuck in samsara, the world of continuous rebirth. We can liberate ourselves from them by making choices that emanate from the brighter side of the ego. Thus, pride gives way to humility. Envy gives way to joy at others' good fortune. Desire for more gives way to satisfaction with what we have. Greed gives way to generosity. Ignorance gives way to the will  and commitment to inform ourselves. Aggression gives way to nonviolent compassion. This is how the poisoned ego realm becomes a space wherein we can awaken.

- David Richo, How To Be An Adult In Relationshps:
The Five Keys To Mindful Living

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