Thursday, December 11, 2014

Clarissa Pinkola Estés: Your True Gold


If you say you want peace
than be peace yourself
for it is like having the best gold
in the world. 
Peace-care and peace-keeping ...
are gold
and there are cut purses and
banditos who want to take it
from you...
thinking they too will have gold then.

But stealing another's peace
only turns to ashes
in the thief's valise.

You can momentarily
in cosmic time, disrupt peace.
You can banish peace
but like the stars, 
peace will return again.
And you cannot steal 
'the gold of peace.' 
You can only create it.
Over and over again. 

Let us.

This comes with love for all, 
on their way to peace, in peace, 
finding the ways for peace to come to others.

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