Sunday, September 14, 2014

For Ron: In Celebration of Our One Year Wedding Anniversay

Ron & I marry on September 14th, 2013.
Robert Beatty officiates.
With all our beautiful children - Kevin & Kristin, Brian & Marita, Matt, and Alli.
Love, love, love...

One year ago today Ron and I married. It was a beautiful day surrounded by beautiful family and friends. Each of our four children were part of the ceremony. Many helped to make this day as extraordinarily special as it was. Heartfelt thank you to all.

It took me nearly 60 years to find Ron. My heart had been so devastated, so wounded from the earliest moments of my time on Earth. For a long, long time I simply did not know how to allow my heart to be open enough to receive and give love with any degree of consistency. Around my heart was a wall of protective defenses. At a very young age I had unconsciously vowed to not allow anyone in, not into my depths. It was too raw, too terrifying, too beyond my comprehension... to truly open my heart to love.

Years passed, many years. It has been a gradual awakening. There was no experience of poof!, now my heart has cracked open. Rather, this has been an amazing journey of allowing my heart - gradually, slowly - to experience the attending to, the tenderness, the support and healing needed to grow into the person I have always been.

When I talk or write about opening to the beauty of our true nature, I speak to this out of personal experience. What I have discovered along the way is that under it all - under the ocean of grief, rage, terror, confusion, and loss - is this Love that did not die. This Sacred Love that today I believe is the true nature of us all.

Yet, without the support, courage, and intention to heal, I would have continued to thrash about and be a stranger to the nature of my own suffering and separation. And there would be no Ron. And there would be no fierce mother who fought with all my being to learn how in the world to be the mother my three beautiful sons need, a mother I had needed but not had. I also certainly would not be capable of holding my own mother - and myself, my father, my twin, our ancestors - today with a heart of forgiveness, compassion, and love. The list of miracles go on and on and on.

Life is so amazing. So amazing! And especially with the experiences I have had, which all gift me today, of knowing what it is to be asleep and what it is to be on this extraordinary path of gradual awakening.

So today and each and every day I awaken to profound gratitude for this beautiful man I married one year ago. Ron is my treasure.

And today my life is treasure-full with blessings and miracles and mindfulness that only grows with each year I am alive. Truly, each time I have found the support, courage, and intention to allow my heart to break open, more space has been cleared for love. And after nearly 60 years, this path of Heart led me to Ron and Ron to me. Wow.

I love you, Ron. My heart overflows with gratitude.... 

And for us all, may we each increasingly root into paths of opening to life, opening to love, opening to the beauty that is our true nature. Blessed be.

With deep gratitude and love ~


Photo by Molly


  1. This Ron fellow sounds like an incredibly fortunate guy to have found you. I hope he understands what a beautiful heart you have. I think he probably does.

  2. In truth, there are no words big enough to express loving to infinity... plus one. :-)♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥
