Friday, September 12, 2014

Celebrating Full Legal Guardianship of My Mother in Washington State!

9.12.2014: With Washington attorney Jim Senescu. We love Jim!!
Mom, Matt, Molly - Three generations on the Oregon coast!
Family! Alli, Ron, Molly, Kevin, Matt, Nancy, Marita, Brian, & Kristin
May 2013: With Michigan attorney Roman Grucz & his wife. We love Roman & Karol!
Mom/Grandma Nan/Nancy spent her 88th birthday surrounded by loving family.
 It's Official!

Today was the court hearing here in Vancouver, Washington designating me full legal guardianship of my mother. This has been among the most amazing, excruciating, costly, stunning, and powerful experiences of my life.

This whole journey began in November 2012. There was my mom's separation and divorce, followed by a suicide attempt, followed by the fight of my life - and my mother's! - with a former stepson of my mother's for guardianship. There are way too many pieces to try to summarize here and now. And many of you know our story. I'll just say that it took nearly two years and cost over $230,000 in total legal fees, for all parties, to finally bring my mom home to her family for good.

And every tear shed, every dollar spent, every traumatic shocking turn of events, every single action that was required to get my mom here, home to her family - all of it! - was worth it!

It isn't so much what happens to us that matters most. I've found that what really matters is how we respond. What are the lessons learned? What is asking to be integrated into our being? What is deepened within us? Can we allow our hearts to be broken open or do we shut down? Again and again and again, I choose love. I choose love.

Ron and I are off now for a night away to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. I love Ron! I love my mom! I love my family and so much more! Yes, the grief of this huge fight is still something my heart is healing through. And my heart overflows with gratitude. Simply overflows with gratitude... for so much. So much.

Peace & blessings,



  1. Wow, so excited and elated to read this post. Love wins. Positive attitude wins.
    You are special. Congrats

  2. Wonderful news Molly! I know how much you wanted this resolved well for you, your family and mother. We are here for relationships and service. You are the poster child for this great way to be human. I love you! Blessings to you and Happy Anniversary to you and Ron.

  3. Heartfelt thanks, Janie and Gayla. Support, caring, compassion, prayers, and love have helped make all the difference. With love & gratitude ~ Molly
