Friday, January 31, 2014

No Tar Sands Keystone XL Pipeline!

Today the State Department released their Final Environmental Impact Statement on Keystone XL. It doesn't take a stand on the climate impact of the pipeline, and puts the ball squarely in President Obama's court to make a decision.

The last time there was a FEIS on Keystone, this was happening: two weeks of sit-ins at the White House to stop the pipeline -- and we set them back by years, and millions of dollars. 

Big oil wants you to believe that today’s report means this fight is over. And that’s the difference between us and them. 

Where they see a finish line, we see the starting blocks. Where they see a pipeline route, we see homes, and farmland. Where they see an export facility, we see a community struggling to breathe. Where they see an oil patch, we see a boreal forest and the violation of treaties. 

Where they see a bottom line, we see our future on the line.

And that’s why this is just another beginning.

- from

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