Monday, September 16, 2013

Part of Our Wedding Ceremony - John O'Donohue: When Love Awakens In Your Life

 This is one of the poems I selected for my son, Matt, to read as part
of our Wedding Ceremony. Ron's daughter, Allison, also read poetry.
My sons Brian and Kevin each played a lovely song on their 
acoustic guitars at the beginning and ending of our Ceremony. 
Blessed be. ♥ Molly

When love awakens in your life, 
in the night of your heart, 
it is like the dawn breaking within you. 
Where before there was anonymity, 
now there is intimacy; 
where before there was fear, 
now there is courage; 
where before in your life there was awkwardness, 
now there is a rhythm of grace and gracefulness; 
where before you used to be jagged, 
now you are elegant and in rhythm with your self. 
When love awakens in your life, 
it is like a rebirth, 
 new beginning.

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