Sunday, August 18, 2013

Wedding Planning, Love, Gratitude, and Grace

Ron & Molly sharing a dance at son Brian's wedding

Such an amazing time this is as Ron and I clear space and
plan for our September wedding. We are so very happy 
and our hearts filled with deep gratitude. 
What amazing grace has filled our lives.

 The more we love, the more real we become. ~ Stephen Levine
There is a place in the heart where everything meets.
Go there if you want to find me.
Mind, senses, soul, eternity, all are there.
Are you there?
Enter the bowl of vastness that is the heart.
Give to it with total abandon...
Once you know the way
the nature of attention will call you
to return, again and again,
and be saturated with knowing,
"I belong here, I am at home here."

~ Radiance Sutras, Translated by Lorin Roche

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