Thursday, August 1, 2013

Rather Than Pursue Whistleblowers, U.S. Needs to Address Revelations

Edward Snowden has been granted temporary asylum in Russia. At a time in our history when Bradley Manning faces 136 years in prison for exposing war crimes, while the war criminals walk free, and Jeremy Hammond faces life for exposing a private company that spies on people for corporations and governments, it is hardly surprising that Snowden feels the need to stay away from the U.S. Moreover, when the U.S. feels the need to make assurances that it won't kill or torture Snowden, it is equally unsurprising that other countries would increasingly recognize the importance of granting asylum. Rather than pursuing Snowden and other whistleblowers, the U.S. should focus addressing their revelations--war crimes and other human rights abuses and a surveillance state.

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