Saturday, August 24, 2013

Hafiz: And a Big Herd of Sweet Goats

I used to walk in a beautiful garden

But the garden fell in love with  my
And fell in love with my toes too,

Then concluded it would be smart
To just follow me home
And never move!

The same thing happened with the sun
Then Saturn and a dozen other
Vacationing, inebriated
Planets --

And a whole nearby mountain range
With their trees and streams and fish still tied
Onto their backs --

And a big herd of sweet, lively goats.

My dear, what Hafiz is really trying to say is:
If ever you get

Come visit this Wild house --
My Celestial Verse --

Where all of us will always
So happily live.

- Hafiz, from The Subject Tonight Is Love:
60 Wild and Sweet Poems of Hafiz

1 comment:

  1. 11 years later! Thank you so much for posting this. I love Hafiz, The Gift etc. And I love your bio/profile, beautiful words and ideas, thank you.

