Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Thich Nhat Hanh: Understanding, Love, and Transformation

We have to be in touch with the present moment, 
the wonderful life that is present in us and around us. 
The birds sing. 
The wind soughs in the leaves of the pine. 
If we’re not in touch, our life is wasted. 
When we are in touch we are nourished, we are transformed. 
We grow, we mature.
Being in touch also means being in touch with the suffering 
in our own body and our own person, 
the suffering in our environment, in our family, and in our society. 
Then we will know what we need to do and what 
we should not do in order to transform this suffering.

On the one hand, we need to be in touch with 
what is wonderful, because that will nourish us. And on the other hand, 
we have to be in touch with our suffering so that 
we can understand, love, and transform. 

~Thich Nhat Hanh

from Thich Nhat Hanh gems

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