Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Beautiful Being We Truly Are

I am so profoundly grateful for all of the support I have received over the past 30 years to open my heart. This has meant stopping the endless and unconscious running and instead consciously choose to move toward whatever it is that has been asking for my attention. For many years I had been too terrified, too split off from myself and others - from the Divine that is within us all - and lacking in awareness of how to begin the journey of coming home to myself. I had no sense of the need to embrace waking up because I did not know I was asleep. It is also true that many of us cannot do this work alone and isolated; it is most often true that we will only go as deep as the support we perceive is available to us. And yet often as small children, and within our families or schools or churches or culture, we can unknowingly be taught that there is something wrong with us... and we lose our connection with the consciousness of the beauty of our true nature and our deep connection with the Sacred within all life. Today I am grateful for it all - my gratitude and my grief - all of which has served as a doorway into awakening. May we all increasingly root into our paths, whatever that is for each of us. May we embrace and recognize the beautiful being we truly are. ♥ 
Namaste ~ Molly

"My dears, a little something this morning on finding 
a space for happiness amongst our fears...
Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
Just keep going. No feeling is final.”
 - Tara Lemieux


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