Saturday, July 27, 2013

Patricia Lynn Reilly: Imagine A Woman

As women we often need special support, encouragement, and role models to celebrate, honor, and respect our accumulation of years. We live in a culture which too often denigrates or ignores us rather than illuminating the need and value for us as women to truly embrace and claim our wisdom and strength, our beauty and radiance, the ways we can contribute and continue to grow and expand, and the gifts of the many lessons we have learned on our life journeys. May we all - women and men alike - grow into Elders, not simply "olders" as we age. We are deeply needed. Namaste ~ Molly


Imagine a woman who accepts her aging with grace. 
A woman who doesn’t hide the changes in her body. 
Who celebrates the accumulation of her years.  
Imagine yourself as this woman.

- Patricia Lynn Reilly

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