Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Sacred Permeates All Life

Mt. Hood & Oregon Lavender Farm in Oregon City  
The Sacred permeates all life. My prayer, always, is that I/you/we awaken to the beauty of our true nature. That said, this awakening to the beauty of my true nature has certainly come through the doorway of my tears. Which then led me, paradoxically, to great joy, love, laughter, and more. 
The challenge and the invitation, I believe, is to use our life experiences to open more and more deeply as we age. The choices we make around life's wounds, consciously or otherwise, manifest in how we live our lives - year by year we are either growing more rigid, defended, judgmental, bitter, resentful, isolated, walled up, up in our heads, shut down, shutting out, shutting up, split off from ourselves and Life and Love, etc. OR we are opening, deepening, expanding, remembering, and becoming more wholly who we truly are. 
Each time we allow our hearts to break open, more space is cleared for love. And, as Stephen Levine says - "The more we love, the more real we become." 
It takes courage to become who we truly are, to gradually and mindfully commit to peeling back the veils of our distorted perceptions and belief systems, to embrace and heal and transform the pain we carry in our hearts, and to let go and open to joy, beauty, love, connectedness, and the Sacred within ourselves and all of life.
May we awaken. May we work together toward creating a world which increasingly cares for all. May we each do our parts to be part of this revolution in caring. It always begins with each of us looking in the mirror and doing our part. We are all needed. We are all Sacred.
Namaste ~ Molly
"In our time, when high technology guided by values such as conquest, exploitation, and domination threaten our very survival, we need economics driven by an ethos of caring. We need a caring revolution." ~ Riane Eisler
"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." ~ Arundhati Roy

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