Thursday, June 6, 2013

Maya Angelou: "Mom & Me & Mom"

Maya Angelou Writes of Mothers & Daughters: Reconciliation and Unconditional Love

Thursday, 30 May 2013 09:15By Maya Angelou, Random House | Book Excerpt
Maya Angelou and her mother.Maya Angelou and her mother, Vivian Baxter, taken in 1986. (Photo: Random House)Sent away to live with her grandmother at an early age, Maya Angelou has written a memoir about abandonment, forgiveness and love. In her prologue, Angelou writes: "Love heals. Heals and liberates. I use the word love, not meaning sentimentality, but a condition so strong that it may be that which holds the stars in their heavenly positions and that which causes the blood to flow orderly in our vains."
The Washington Post writes of "Mom & Me & Mom": It "is delivered with Angelou’s trademark good humor and fierce optimism. If any resentments linger between these lines, if lives are partially revealed without all the bitter details exposed, well, that is part of Angelou’s forgiving design. As an account of reconciliation, this little book is just revealing enough, and pretty irresistible.”
The following excerpts are from Chapters One and Two of "Mom & Me & Mom":
Chapter One
The first decade of the twentieth century was not a great time to be born black and poor and female in St. Louis, Missouri, but Vivian Baxter was born black and poor, to black and poor parents. Later she would grow up and be called beautiful. As a grown woman she would be known as the butter-colored lady with the blowback hair.
Her father, a Trinidadian with a heavy Caribbean accent, had jumped from a banana boat in Tampa, Florida, and evaded immigration agents successfully all his life. He spoke often and loudly with pride at being an American citizen. No one explained to him that simply wanting to be a citizen was not enough to make him one.
Contrasting with her father's dark chocolate complexion, her mother was light- colored enough to pass for white. She was called an octoroon, meaning that she had one- eighth Negro blood. Her hair was long and straight. At the kitchen table, she amused her children by whirling her braids like ropes and then later sitting on them.
Although Vivian's mother's people were Irish, she had been raised by German adoptive parents, and she spoke with a decided German accent.
Vivian was the firstborn of the Baxter children. Her sister Leah was next, followed by brothers Tootie, Cladwell, Tommy, and Billy.
As they grew, their father made violence a part of their inheritance. He said often, "If you get in jail for theft or burglary, I will let you rot. But if you are charged with fighting, I will sell your mother to get your bail."
The family became known as the "Bad Baxters."
If someone angered any of them, they would track the offender to his street or to his saloon. The brothers (armed) would enter the bar. They would station themselves at the door, at the ends of the bar, and at the toilets. Uncle Cladwell would grab a wooden chair and break it, handing Vivian a piece of the chair. He would say, "Vivian, go kick that bastard's ass."
Vivian would ask, "Which one?"
Then she would take the wooden weapon and use it to beat the offender. When her brothers said, "That's enough," the Baxter gang would gather their violence and quit the scene, leaving their mean reputation in the air. At home they told their fighting stories often and with great relish.
Grandmother Baxter played piano in the Baptist church and she liked to hear her children sing spiritual gospel songs. She would fill a cooler with Budweiser and stack bricks of ice cream in the refrigerator.
The same rough Baxter men led by their fierce older sister would harmonize in the kitchen on "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross":
There a precious fountain
Free to all, a healing stream,
Flows from Calvary's mountain.
The Baxters were proud of their ability to sing. Uncle Tommy and Uncle Tootie had bass voices; Uncle Cladwell, Uncle Ira, and Uncle Billy were tenors; Vivian sang alto; and Aunt Leah sang a high soprano (the family said she also had a sweet tremolo). Many years later, I heard them often, when my father, Bailey Johnson Sr., took me and my brother, called Junior, to stay with the Baxters in St. Louis.
They were proud to be loud and on key. Neighbors often dropped in and joined the songfest, each trying to sing loudest. Vivian’s father always wanted to hear about the rough games his sons played. He would listen eagerly, but if their games ended without a fight or at least a scuffle, he would blow air through his teeth and say, "That's little boys' play. Don't waste my time with silly tales."
Then he would tell Vivian, "Bibbi, these boys are too big to play little girls' games. Don't let them grow up to be women."
Vivian took his instruction seriously. She promised her father she would make sure they were tough. She led her brothers to the local park and made them watch as she climbed the highest tree. She picked fights with the toughest boys in her neighborhood, never asking her brothers to help, counting on them to wade into the fight without being asked.
Her father chastised her when she called her sister a sissy. He said, "She's just a girl, but you are more than that. Bibbi, you are Papa's little girl- boy. You won't have to be so tough forever. When Cladwell gets up some size, he will take over."
Vivian said, "If I let him."
Everyone laughed, and recounted the escapades about when Vivian taught them how to be tough.

For the complete article, please go here:

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