Sunday, May 5, 2013

Truthout: The Political Roots of American Obesity

There are so many symptoms of our culture which reflect how what has become "normal" in American society harms us and other beings in our country and around the world. My prayer is that we will increasingly inform ourselves, lower our tolerance for that which is unhealthy, and connect with greater truths and our higher wisdom. My prayer, always, is that we humans will increasingly awaken and work together to create a world which increasingly cares for all. Namaste ~ Molly

The Political Roots of American Obesity

Saturday, 04 May 2013 00:00By E. Douglas Kihn, Truthout | Op-Ed
Obesity X-ray(Image: Obesity X-ray via ShutterstocThe term obesity is defined as a count of 30 or above on a mathematical scale (called BMI, or Body Mass Index) that combines weight and height measurements of individuals. The term overweight is used to describe the BMI of people who fall in between obese and normal.
Over the past three decades, the obesity rate in America has by all accounts climbed to astronomical proportions. Over a third of Americans are officially overweight and another 35.7 percent are obese, according to the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Conventional experts blame the "wrong food," bad genes, lack of exercise, chemicals in food, and this or that hormone for the problem.
If these factors play any role at all in stoking the epidemic of fat in American, they are themselves only transmission agents and facilitators for the deeper causes. Over the past 30 years, the standard prescription of diet, exercise and increased nutritional education haven't solved the problem. In fact, it hasn't even slowed it down and could even be contributing to the difficulties.
To really beat it, we have to ask why and when. To discern the fundamental causes of the obesity epidemic in the United States, we will need to go back in history and unearth its beginnings, to find out exactly when it all started. Then we can ask it why.
When we do, we will discover that the obesity epidemic in America is essentially a mental health problem, whose underlying causes are economic and political.

"The United States, which spends far more money on medical care than other advanced industrialized countries, has the sickest residents in every category of unwellness." - Douglas Kin

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