Saturday, May 4, 2013

Stephen Jenkinson: Grief and the Love of Life Are Twins

Stephen Jenkinson
Here’s the revolution: What if grief is a skill, in the same way that love is a skill, something that must be learned and cultivated and taught? What if grief is the natural order of things, a way of loving life anyway? Grief and the love of life are twins, natural human skills that can be learned first by being on the receiving end and feeling worthy of them, later by practicing them when you run short of understanding. In a time like ours, grieving is a subversive act.

 - Stephen Jenkinson,  
Author, Harvard-educated theologian, end-of-life care educator,  
teacher, storyteller, spiritual activist, ceremonialist and founder of 
the Orphan Wisdom School, a teaching house and learning house 
for the skills of deep living and making human culture.

 "Grief: It's how you love all those things in life that end."
~ Stephen Jenkinson

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